IHRM Impact

Positive Impact on Women

Safe and Stable Housing

Security and Stability: IHRM provides a safe, stable environment, allowing women to focus on their recovery and personal development without the immediate pressure of finding housing.
Reduced Recidivism: Stable housing significantly reduces the likelihood of reoffending as women have the security needed to build new, law-abiding lives.

Comprehensive Support Services

Employment Assistance: IHRM, in collaboration with Hazelbrook/WAGEES, offers job training, resume building, and employment placement services helping our women to gain financial independence.
Educational Opportunities: IHRM provides access to pursue higher education or acquire new skills.
Health and Wellness: IHRM, in collaboration with Diversus Health, provides access to healthcare, including mental health and substance abuse treatment, ensuring that women can address critical health issues and maintain sobriety.

Life Skills Development

Personal Growth: IHRM, in collaboration with Aligned Living for Women LLC, provides Life Skills training in areas such as, confidence building, habit formations, budgeting, time management, and empowering women to manage their daily lives effectively.

Self-Esteem and Confidence: By participating in supportive community and skill-building activities, women rebuild their self-esteem and develop the confidence needed to succeed.



Supportive Networks: IHRM fosters a sense of community and belonging by helping women build positive relationships and support networks that are crucial for long-term success.
Civic Engagement: Encouraging community involvement and volunteerism helps women reconnect with society and contribute positively to their communities.

Positive Impact on Children

Family Reunification

Stability for Children: Children benefit immensely when their mothers have stable housing and support. A safe home environment provides the stability needed for healthy development.
Reduced Foster Care: Successful reentry of mothers reduces the need for children to be placed in foster care, keeping families together.

Emotional and Psychological Well-being

Positive Role Models: When mothers succeed in their transition, they become positive role models for their children, demonstrating resilience, responsibility, and the value of hard work.
Improved Mental Health: A stable and nurturing environment reduces stress and anxiety in children, leading to better mental health outcomes.

Educational Success

Better School Performance: Stability at home often translates to improved academic performance. Children with secure home environments are more likely to attend school regularly and perform better academically.
Future Opportunities: When mothers are empowered to pursue education and employment, they can better support their children’s educational aspirations, breaking the cycle of poverty and disadvantage.

Social and Behavioral Benefits

Stronger Family Bonds: IHRM facilitate family reunification and strengthen mother-child relationships, fostering a sense of belonging and security. Children in stable environments are less likely to engage in delinquent behavior and more likely to develop positive social skills.

Why Your Support Matters

By sponsoring IHRM, you are investing in a brighter future for women and their children.
Your support provides:

Resources: Funding for essential services and programs that directly benefit the residents, such as: clothing, spa day, activities with children, nutritional support, cooking lessons, and sponsor a healthy retreats.  


Opportunities: The chance for women to access education, employment, and personal development resources.
Hope: A tangible demonstration of community support that shows women that they are in collaboration with IHRM and are believed in, loved, and valued.

Transition homes are not just about providing temporary shelter; they are about transforming lives. With your support, we can create a nurturing environment where women exiting prison can thrive, ultimately leading to stronger families and safer communities. Join us in this vital mission and help empower women to achieve their full potential.



All information shared within the mentoring program for mothers recently released from prison will be treated with strict confidentiality. We prioritize the privacy and security of our participants and adhere to applicable data protection laws and regulations.

The mentoring program operates within the legal boundaries and limitations set forth by relevant authorities and organizations. We encourage participants to seek independent legal advice when necessary. We are not attorneys.
While our mentors are experienced individuals, their guidance and advice should not replace professional legal, medical, or therapeutic services. Participation in the mentoring program is voluntary, and individuals are responsible for their own decisions and actions.

Toda la información compartida dentro del programa de mentoría para madres recientemente liberadas de prisión será tratada con estricta confidencialidad. Priorizamos la privacidad y seguridad de nuestras participantes y cumplimos con las leyes y regulaciones aplicables de protección de datos. El programa de mentoría opera dentro de los límites y restricciones legales establecidos por las autoridades y organizaciones pertinentes. Animamos a las participantes a buscar asesoramiento legal independiente cuando sea necesario. No somos abogados.

Aunque nuestros mentores son personas con experiencia, su orientación y consejos no deben sustituir los servicios profesionales legales, médicos o terapéuticos. La participación en el programa de mentoría es voluntaria, y las personas son responsables de sus propias decisiones y acciones.